Güelga Fonda
Esti poema entamelu
nel mio maxín
fai cincu años, nel cuartu
d’un hotel de Shanghai,
Shanghai ye un llugar
que dexó una güelga fonda
na mio memoria
-un poema ye xustamente eso-.
Ye un d’esos llugares
au puedes atopar un bon poema
per cualuquier requexu de la ciudá
(o atopate a ti mesmu
nesti mundiu llíquidu).
Deep Mark
I started this poem
in my mind
in a room of a Shanghai hotel.
Shanghai is a place
that left a deep mark
in my memory
-a poem is just that-.
It is one of those places
where you can find a good poem
in any corner of the city
(or you may find yourself
in this liquid world).
Xe M. Sánchez was born in 1970 in Grau (Asturies, Spain). He received his Ph.D in History from the University of Oviedo in 2016, he is anthropologist, and he also studied Tourism and three masters. He has published in Asturian language Escorzobeyos (2002), Les fueyes tresmanaes d’Enol Xivares (2003), Toponimia de la parroquia de Sobrefoz. Ponga (2006), Llué, esi mundu paralelu (2007), Les Erbíes del Diañu (E-book: 2013, Paperback: 2015), Cróniques de la Gandaya (E-book, 2013), El Cuadernu Prietu (2015), and several publications in journals and reviews in Asturies, USA, Portugal, France, Sweden, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, England, Canada, Reunion Island, China, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey and Singapore.