The Literary Shanghai Journal


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  Literary Shanghai is a community of readers, writers, and translators, Chinese and English, with a local and regional focus. Our goal is to bring our literary community together through events, workshops, and our literary journal. Read more.  


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DS Maolalaí – four poems

DS Maolalaí has been nominated four times for Best of the Net and three times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, “Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden” (Encircle Press, 2016) and “Sad Havoc Among the Birds” (Turas Press, 2019).




reading through books

in a second hand store

like shopping at lunchtime

for fresh apples –

standing at a stall

in the temple bar market

and testing for age and firmness,


looking down

along the sides

for signs of any rot.


incidental sweetness

people’s penciled carelessness

scored in brown marks.




My legacy.


it’s one thing, this

doing poetry,

but the bathroom needed tiling

and my aunt had taken a break

from her paintings

so we could knock it all out

quickly and in one afternoon.


last time they were done

was nearly 60 years earlier – fixed in

by my grandfather, dead now, and sometimes

also a poet. I’ve never read his stuff –

he didn’t publish much,

just wrote them down

longhand with pencils and cigarettes

to throw away. and we peeled it

back with chisels, hammers

and broken screwdrivers, killed any spiders

and sanded the walls. Then

we applied cement

and pushed in the fresh ones. all

very good. new paint

and waterproof grouting. white and tile-grey,


like teeth and white toothpaste. I stood back, imagining

it stuck there – my work to last

for as long as the house would still stand. the toilet,

new too

in the centre. waiting for piss to come toppling,

spitting like poems

on a winedrunk night.




The van.


I didn’t want it

much. didn’t want to take

a bus journey to an office

in a new location

and when they offered me

a vehicle

I also didn’t

want that.


but they were insistent

and finding a new job

would be difficult

in the circumstances.

girlfriend maybe pregnant

and we’re looking

for a house.


and of course

you do get used to things;

try out various routes

and find a quick one

through the city.

get used to reading less

and figuring out the radio.


the way things happen

without their meaning to happen.

like breaking the leather

in uncomfortable shoes.

seals on the wreck

of an easy life – watching

as whales topple icefloes.




Midnight mass


it’s an ancient choir;

dust, wool clothes

and christmas

carols. and somehow

they sound better

than any

beautiful song. the way a garden

looks better

with blackbirds picking

than peacocks. old ladies,

all age

and no

immaculate notes.

it’s midnight mass, 9pm, and rag-drunk

on wine since sundown. candles

all over, making light

with the varnish

of wood. and the prose

from the gospels

frankly not bad either.

you could almost believe

that these people believe it.

you could almost believe

something else.


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DS Maolalaí – three poems

DS Maolalaí has been nominated four times for Best of the Net and three times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, “Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden” (Encircle Press, 2016) and “Sad Havoc Among the Birds” (Turas Press, 2019).




to die

with an apple

in apple season

is to die

with a pleasure

which cannot

be taken away,

no matter the status

of the mind

or the body. biting in

and breaking skin

like claws

in your girlfriend’s

neck – tasting


and inhaling

to be rewarded

with more sweetness. that

is pure

pleasure. flavour

done to the taste. flowers

bright in summer

as applejuice. crab-colour


on dry sand. if must I die

let me die

eating apples

and bury me soggy

deep in wet earth


by bursting fruit.




The cheap wristwatch.


the clasp

had been broken

and it slipped off my wrist

like a knickerleg

gone over a lady’s knee,

easy, with assistance

from the limb.

but when it hit the floor

the face still shattered

red and spat



it was only

a cheap wristwatch –

10 euros from a street-trader,

and I spent more than that

replacing the glass

and then another 10

on a new strap

in light brown leather

to match my favourite jacket.


I liked it – the back

was transparent

and showed the workings

and having to wind it by hand

each morning

I felt lent me a little of that



which I enjoy so much,

but without flaring it

off at other people,

like those guys who write

on typewriters in coffee-shops

or smoke pipes,

such pricks

for a skinny whistle.




An overgrown potato


and the garden is rough

and a warted scab of brown. the last tenants


had been trying to grow potatoes.

and you grow them too, have grown them

before, and perhaps this is why

you don’t see

the problem. and the rooms inside

are less ugly than that

but still awkward

in their obvious absence of furniture.

like opening the bathroom door

and seeing someone step out

from the shower.

or the watery flavour

of an overgrown potato

put down by an inexperienced gardener.

just walls and floors,

fixtures and nothing impermanent. you step in,

show us around, lecture on images

you vaguely imagine. yes friend, I’m sure

it will one day be wonderful, but I see nothing

but scabs

and walls.

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Lynette Tan – Porous: A reflection on Nissim Ezekiel’s ‘Background, Casually’ (1965) 

Lynette Tan Yuen Ling has a PhD in Film Studies and has published poetry, short stories, and children’s books. She is also Director of Studies at Residential College 4, National University of Singapore where she teaches Systems Thinking. 


Porous: A reflection on Nissim Ezekiel’s ‘Background, Casually’ (1965)

I don’t come from anywhere anymore

I come from everywhere

and my skin tells me how that feels

stretched so thin, porous

nearly invisible

you don’t see me

you can’t place me

my nowhere place is where I am

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Karolina Pawlik – “Maud of Enduring Shores”

Karolina Pawlik is a Shanghai-based researcher, lecturer and writer of mixed Polish and Russian origins. Trained in anthropology, she is mostly interested in visual culture, especially typography evolving in Shanghai since the Republican era. Some of her poems in Polish have been published in Poland. “Migraintion” is the first poetry series she has written in English. 

Maud of Enduring Shores



“Why Prince Edward Island?” I was asked by surprisingly many friends, including even those who grew up in English speaking countries. “Because L. M. Montgomery shaped my life. She was the first to tell us that girls could write, experience thrill of getting their poetry published, win competitions, go to university, love performing in public, be devoted teachers, confess love first. She encouraged us to judge men depending on the quality of the essays they write and the books they inspire one to read, and not merely by their smiles or social status. She was the one to teach us that friendships with equally intelligent men are inevitably complicated, but worthwhile. She instilled in us confidence that girls, and women, can be persistent in their dreams and strive for equality, and yet she did not come to ‘liberate’ us. She did not question aggressively, disdain, or reject conservative morality in which so many of us grew up as well, but showed us instead how to discreetly negotiate self-growth and how to create one’s own secret, genuine, beautiful spaces. It had incredible impact in that small town, which transitioned from a heavily industrial to a postindustrial phase, and where many people still joke about unmarried women today. She shaped my enthusiasm for life, my love of the sea and the forest, and my ability to find beauty in every struggle, and something delightful in the most miserable room in town.”



The plane descended on a rainy night into an overwhelming fragrance of resin. I stayed in an old wooden house, which had once belonged to a rich merchant, in an old-fashioned room with floral wallpaper, overlooking a big tree. Over breakfast my host asked for my name. It was difficult for her to pronounce, so I smiled and said “I actually have a Chinese name too”. Since then, she only called me “Yafeng 雅风” or “my girl”, which made me feel home in a new, unprecedented way. In such unforeseen circumstances, amid the Canadian autumn, my Chinese name acquired new meaning and additional sparkle. The host had moved to Charlottetown from northern China, and had visited Shanghai with her mother not long ago.



I was sitting with a book by the lighthouse, awaiting the sunset accompanied by hundreds of crows flying over the waters, when a young student arrived with a diary and began writing. Suddenly she asked, “Maybe you would like me to take a photo for you? I guess you don’t get too many chances, and it’s such a beautiful spot. It’s getting dark, but still nice”. I hardly get pictures of me taken by strangers, but her offer was so considerate that I decided to accept. I offered to take a picture of her in return.

“Are you here for Anne?”

“Actually for Maud, I think. She is so much more than Anne for me. I didn’t read all of the Anne series, but I read so many other books and The Blue Castle was one of the most important for me. In fact, the first room I had of my own was all in blue. Preparing for this trip I read two volumes of Maud’s diaries and I keep thinking how hard and difficult it was for her, of her persistence, of the contribution she made along with many other women, who pushed step by step to obtain things we have today and which we so often take for granted. It really touches me when I read about her doubts about remaining single for much longer, and I want to tell her ‘Do not compromise – you will regret it’, but at the same time I understand that she will regret destroying herself as well, with a complete lack of financial stability, of support, or home – fighting her literary battle day by day, so often feeling so cold and hungry. So somehow I really feel I am here to express gratitude for what a role model she remained for us when we grew up, and to feel inspired in these times when women’s freedom and equality is questioned again in so many places across the world, and evil parochial morality takes over families and societies that believe themselves to be proudly Christian. What if we owe something to the next generations of women too? However, I have been told here that she is not read much in Canada anymore.”


“Yes, that is true. But now that we are talking I begin to think maybe I should actually read something. You know how sometimes your own things do not feel exciting enough, because they are too familiar? My family is actually related to Montgomery. My grandmother used to stay in that house in Green Gables. We are reading some of Montgomery’s diaries for one of our psychology major classes. Some people believe she committed suicide.”



Out of the schools in which L. M. Montgomery taught only one survives. Tourist season was over and there were no volunteers willing to take care of this relatively remote place, so I could only peek through the windows from the outside.


My driver was waiting patiently nearby. I knew I was paying him with money I earned myself at the university, and I was very happy and grateful that such simple deal was possible, or in other words that I did not have to be bothered to sustain any special relationships with men, just to be taken to more distant or inaccessible places, as Maud constantly had to. He mentioned Anne again, and I said one more time “I adored and still adore Anne, and I decided I will keep all of her books my whole life, but Montgomery is really much more than that single book or protagonist. I am actually truly disappointed by how it’s all just about Anne all the time here. L. M. Montgomery was such an important person as a feminist, a teacher, a reader, a writer, a critically thinking believer, a nature lover, a pen friend, a keen observer of social life. She had such a great sense of humor and duty too. I actually thought your shops would be full of inspirational quotes for those struggling with their writing, or family, or a Church-related crisis of faith, or education reforms – to empower people, to make them smile and reimagine things, but it’s just all about Anne – as cute, innocent, and pale as she could possibly be. Did anyone try, for instance, having creative writing workshops or oratory courses next to this school?”


The driver squinted in the bright sun, and smiled in the way of old uncles from Maud’s novels – with little understanding of the core issue this girl in front of him was struggling with, but full of touching support and faith. “Tourists want Anne, so we give them the Anne they are looking for. But who knows – maybe one day a young lady will write something very different, or move here, and things will change.”



In the morning I sat with a cup of coffee, recalling my walk on the red shore, with oyster shells underneath dry seaweed crunching under my feet. I wondered if Maud was reincarnated, as she so much wanted to be, and if so, in whose body is her soul now? I thought of the many female writers I have admired over the years, of the hardships of their writing, and their distinct life paths. I thought of generations of women struggling to gain a voice, be taken seriously, and be heard. I thought of how many insightful comments and valid observations on social life and spirituality survive in Maud’s diaries, yet they could never be made in public. I wondered how much we have failed to notice, and learn, and understand, because so many equally bright women were effectively discouraged from sharing their critical thoughts and dissimilar experiences in any form. I also looked at the news, after a long offline detox, and learned that Olga Tokarczuk – author of my beloved Flights – was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. It somehow made this journey complete.



Over Christmas, as I went back to reading L. M. Montgomery’s books, I suddenly realized that I never edited this text and sent it to any literary journal, as planned, after returning from Canada. I also understood in my little home in the lane, named lovingly like properties in Maud’s stories, that one major reason why I keep responding so strongly to her books must be because for years I have lived this anxiety she captured so thoroughly and touchingly – the constant threat of being sent away from the place one loves more than anything in the world, because of a wrong thought or a disrespectful action. It suddenly occurred to me how many of us love Shanghai so dearly while always knowing that there is this other life to which one may be sent back against one’s will. No matter how much devotion or admiration we have, we will never be allowed to belong entirely here – there will be always someone to remind us that we came from elsewhere, and cannot decide our own fate. Fortunately this can never take away much of the beauty. And our gratitude for the people who welcomed us and learned to cherish our presence will always be stronger than any fear.

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Nazarii A. Nazarov – ‘To His Library’ (Моїй бібліотеці)

Nazarii A. Nazarov holds a PhD in linguistics, and lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. His poems have appeared in national anthologies in Ukraine (both in Ukrainian and in French translation). Previously published collections include Escape from Babylon (2006), Torch Bearer (2009), and translation collections Gardens of Adonis: Minor Anthology of World Poetry (2015, translations from Modern and Ancient Greek, Persian etc.), and Cavafy: Poems (2016, from Modern Greek).


To His Library 

This text appears as an outcome of my deliberations about contemporary and future world literature. How can it look? How should it look? Who will be included in its canon? To what extent should it be ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’? In the following lines, I attempt to track the general passage (totally conjectural, of course) of the current and forthcoming forms of global literature.

 The poem was originally written in Ukrainian. I decided to make an English version of it to facilitate dialogue with other poets from different countries. I mention several outstanding personalities about whom I was thinking a lot at that moment. They are Ancient Roman writer and philosopher Cicero (106-143 BCE), medieval Persian poet and mathematician Omar Khayyam (1048-1131), and Ukrainian translator of Roman classics Mykola Zerov (1890-1937). I also pay homage to favorite Japanese writers of the Heian epoch – Murasaki Shikibu (978?-1014/1016) and Sey Shonagon (966-1017?). I conclude with the work of the poet Tao Yuanming (c. 365-427) and the Chinese classic The Book of Changes, I Ching (I m. BCE), which has been an inspiration for European thought since G. Leibniz (1646-1716). After gathering them together, I dissolve them into a landscape of mountains, literature, and other forms of silence. 


I have gathered you from all over the world,

My dear favorite books.

Books with rights and without.

Books of ashes and ice.


Oh, my Cicero and my Khayyam.

With two volumes of Zerov,

With Heian epoch,

You make a shell of marble.


There is a luminous hexagram

In The Book of Changes:

Tao Yuanming died long ago

But we are still contemporaries


Because both of us have quit the big river

And come back to the mountains –

To birds squirrels and stars –

And we talk to them


For there is no more desirable talk

Than the silence of an evening

When we sit in a broad circle

And write ancient verses


Man is just a reed

And those know it the best

Who embark on

the quest after the Word



Моїй бібліотеці


З усіх усюд я вас зібрав

Найкращі любі книги

Книжки з правами і без прав

Із попелу і криги


Мій Цицерон і мій Хаям

З двотомником Зерова

Ви із епохою Хеян

Як мушля мармурова


Стоїть у Книзі Перемін

Пломінна гексаграма:

Покійник Тао Юань Мін –

Епоха в нас та сама!


Бо ми з великої ріки

Вернулися у гори

Де птиці вивірки зірки

Із ними ми говорим


Нема жаданіших розмов

Аніж вечірня тиша

В великім колі сидимо

І древні вірші пишем


Людина тільки очерет

І знають це чудово

Ті хто рушає уперед

У подорож за словом.

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Jennifer Fossenbell – ‘WEARING MYSELF BACKWARDS’

Jennifer Fossenbell recently relocated from Beijing, China back to Denver, USA. Her poetry and other linguistic experiments have appeared in online and print publications in China, the U.S., and Vietnam, most recently So & So, Black Warrior Review, The Hunger, and where is the river. She completed her creative writing MFA at the University of Minnesota in 2014. Also, there is no “back”.




Q: Where did you mainly compose?

A: Wrong question. I mainly decomposed.


Q: Isn’t creation just another platform for devastation?

A: I’m making another one to lose.


  1. Did you ever in your life create something original?

A: We are, all of us, children of the one universe.


Q: But the multiverse.

A: Angels and geometry.


Q: What are you so fucking afraid of?

A: Death firstly and second, death of my child, now children.

A: Cancer of the throat or hands. Wrath. Collision.

A: Wondrous visions of pain, which abound.


Q: Because everything and everyone is so fluid.

A: The doing runs over into not doing. The making runs into dying.


Q: Pity the dark that is afraid of itself.

A: I don’t know what it means, but I know it well.


Q: When you approach your bed in the dark, what are you afraid of?

A: Finding myself already lying there.


Q: The body finally gives the body permission.

A: To go out. To fall apart.


Q: There is a sun inside. There is a bright hole.

A: I am a divided state.


Q: All that comes to pass.

A: Too, shall pass.


Q: When you step on the train every day, what are you afraid of?

A: Leaving myself behind.

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Fiction, Translation

Zhou Jianing – “There, there…” (translated by Ed Allen)

Zhou Jianing 周嘉宁 was born in Shanghai in 1982, and is the author of the full-length novels Barren City and In the Dense Groves, and the short story collections How I Ruined My Life, One Step At A Time and Essential Beauty. Zhou has translated works by Alice Munro, Flannery O’Connor, Joyce Carol Oates, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.


(周嘉宁,1982年生于上海,作家,英语文学翻译。曾出版长篇小说《荒芜城》《密林中》,短篇小说集《我是如何一步步毁掉我的生活的》,《基本美》等。翻译Alice Munro, Flannery O’Connor, Joyce Carol Oates, F. Scott Fitzgerald等人作品)



There, there


As soon as I turned through the airport luggage lobby door, I saw my younger cousin jogging over from the distance. He stood to attention before me like this was a rehearsal, plucked the sunglasses from the bridge of his nose and put his hands in his pockets.

“Well, hello!”

His hair had flushed out into a light blond. He wore grey-green contacts, and his face – once a pinkish white – had thinned to show sharp cheekbones. At a rough glance, he didn’t look Chinese, or really much like the young white guys in the area. Fortunately he didn’t make any note of my reservations, but instead shook his shoulders and held out a hand, taking the chance to haul up my suitcase and rucksack, then snatch my satchel and clamp it under his lower arm.

“Tired?” he asked hurriedly.

“I’m fine. The firm booked business class.”

“You’ve come at the right time. It rained all last week. Only stopped yesterday.” When he spoke he was already making big strides towards the exit, so I rushed to catch up. He was wearing a shoddy pair of skintight jeans, buckled leather shoes with pointed, stretched-out ends, and a black jacket with a glinting zipper. When he turned away, I saw the half-faded skull tattoo on the hood. He put on his shades the moment we left the arrivals hall, although it was gloomy and sunless outside. All his clothes were cheap goods he’d purchased from a wholesale market one time when he went back to China, but he never saw it as a problem. He actually delighted in his bum-like aesthetic.

“Did you lose weight?” I asked, forcing conversation en route to the carpark.

“Slimmed down just recently. First we agreed I’d take a trip home next month, then my mother said she didn’t want me to.”

“Oh…” I hesitated. Neither of us said another word.

The wind tipped people to one side of the open-air carpark in the gloomy weather. We walked for a while, then stopped before a decrepit Pick-up truck. Only a small part of the windshield was clean, and the open back was covered with a thick tarpaulin, to defend against the rain. There was a thick odor of fish and rotten vegetables. I was standing there, not knowing what to think, when I saw that my cousin had opened the door, and was nimbly placing the suitcase and bags inside. He slammed the door.

“It’s the restaurant’s loading car,” he explained. “I had a run down to the harbor this morning.”

“Oh…” I climbed in.

He looked for the parking ticket in a pile of receipts and leaflets. There was an ashtray packed full with cigarette butts. The CD-player started playing a song by Adele. As I rolled down the truck window, I couldn’t help but feel in my pocket for a cigarette, but then pulled my hand back.

“So where do you want to go?” he asked.

“You’re the boss.” I turned my head away and looked out of the window.

“The beach? Oh, no…” he paused, then added, “I’ve got an interview tomorrow, so I need to go to the city to buy an actual suit in the afternoon. We’ll go to the beach tomorrow, and I’ll take you to eat some fresh-hauled oysters.”

“I… already booked a plane ticket for tomorrow,” I muttered.

“Huh?” he said, disappointed. “But I asked three day’s break from the boss-lady.”

“I was always just going to be here for the meeting. Your mother…” The words stuck in my throat, so I had to switch tracks. “…. The family’s worried, so they helped out and brought you some good stuff. It’s all food.”

“The ocean’s at its most beautiful right now,” he said, like he hadn’t registered what I’d said, like he’d answered some other question.

We fell silent for a moment. We drove along the airport motorway for the whole journey, seeing no people – only enormous foreign-language billboards, and crowds of gulls circulating in the sky, emitting baby-like calls. It was strikingly bleak.

“What’s your interview for?” I asked him.

“A five-star hotel. The chefs in our restaurant were chatting, and mentioned that they were looking for helpers. I talked it over with the boss-lady – getting my work cut down by half. I didn’t say I wanted a whole other job. I just said I wanted to take English lessons.”

“Well, is there enough time to do two jobs?” I asked.

“There is, if I sleep a little less. What does sleep matter?”

We drove into a crowded tunnel. The truck budged forward a couple of feet, and we finally stopped. All around us were fumes, pumped out of the cars, and it became aggravatingly hot. Somewhat awkwardly, he told me that the air-con was broken. We could only roll down the windows. The temperature inside lurched upwards. Adele’s voice on the CD-player went hysterical, and I was close to choking. Even so, it remained very quiet outside. Nobody honked their horn. People reached their hands out of their cars and lit cigarettes.


My cousin was living temporarily at his boss’s house. I say temporarily, but really he’d been living there for two years. She wasn’t around now. My cousin took a sack of dogfood from the kitchen, then fetched a to-go plastic box from the back of the truck. It was packed with leftover braised chicken from the restaurant. He mixed the stuff together with fluid familiarity.

“Hardy!” he called. “Hardy!”

An old dog popped out from somewhere, had a sniff, and lazily retreated. He had no interest in strangers. He didn’t even lift an eyelid. I went to have a closer look at him. All of his fur had fallen out, grown over with scabies. He was dribbling hot, putrid, sweaty blood.

“The boss-lady’s dog,” my cousin said. “He’s almost done for.”

He led me to his room.

“Looks like he’s in real pain,” I said.

“He’s gone blind in one eye. Needs ointment rubbed on it every day.”

“Hmm-hmm…” I murmured, unable to think of anything sympathetic to say.

My cousin lived in a garage on the side of the courtyard. It was split into two rooms, with dry goods and tools stacked in the outer room, and his things in the other. It was roomy enough.

“You can sleep in my bed tonight,” he said, taking a big clump of bedsheets and covers from the closet.

“Actually, I’ll be fine finding a hotel,” I said, with a slight hesitation.

“Don’t do that. I’ve talked it all over with the boss-lady already. She’ll help me get a foldable mattress from the store in the evening, and I’ll sleep outside.” As he spoke, he opened the fridge but saw that it was empty. “I’ll head out and get something to drink. Why don’t you have a rest?”

“I’m fine, and time’s really tight. I’ll go with you.”

So he waited while I changed my clothes, and we went out together. It was a Chinese district, so once you turned the corner onto main-street, you saw Chinese character placards everywhere you looked, small clusters of Chinese talking in a verity of dialects, standing outside the little shops, or chatting on street corners. A few times, people coming our way slowed down and said hi to my cousin, who was wearing his sunglasses and had both hands tucked into his pockets, displaying a cool self-assuredness that had been absent until now.

“Someone’s got a lovely girlfriend!” the boss-lady of a milk-tea stand called to my cousin.

“She’s a friend,” he answered, without expression, like reciting some passage from a book. I gave him a look.

“Oh. No…” he went on. “This is my big sister, on a business trip, out to see me.” His face went red and his words came out in a jumble.

“Take two milk-teas!” the boss-lady said, leaning out from the booth, already sealing the cups with the packaging machine. My cousin just stood there. Then they got chatting in Cantonese. I couldn’t understand, so was forced to be a spectator. A moment later he forced a cup of warm and steaming milk-tea into my hands.

“Without the boba!” he said.

“When did you learn Cantonese?” I asked, after we’d walked a little while.

“My boss-lady’s from Guangdong, and both the cooks came with her. Plenty of Cantonese and Fukienese around her. There’s another Chinese community a few stations away, but they’re all from the Northeast there. You couldn’t take the garlicky smell.”

“You know a lot of people,” I said.

“Er, no,” he shrugged and smiled.

Eventually we stopped at a Cantonese restaurant that had a dragon painted across the entrance. It wasn’t time for lunch, and it didn’t look ready for business inside. However, my cousin pushed the door open. “This is our restaurant. Sit down, and I’ll get them to make you something tasty.”

The floorboards were sticky. A girl sat on a barstool, doodling on her phone. She lifted her head lazily when she saw my cousin. They went straight into a hushed chat in Cantonese. The girl gave me a look, titled her head oddly to one side, and then reverted her gaze. I wasn’t sure if that counted as saying hi. She had covered her face with thick powder, which made her look a little tubby, as she was very young. They huddled close and giggled at something on their phones. She took his milk-tea, not drinking from it, but nibbling on the straw.

Soon after, my cousin went into the kitchen, gave some orders, and came out carrying a flask of tea on a tray. He sat down with me. That girl had vanished.

“Girlfriend?” I asked him quietly.

“Oh, no,” he said, making that same lackadaisical expression, and continuing: “Boss-lady’s daughter.”

“You must have a girlfriend though.”

“I’ll be working two jobs soon,” he said sternly. “Where would I have the time?”


“And don’t talk nonsense with my mother when you get back. You know –” he paused abruptly, blowing on the piping-hot tea in the flask, but didn’t carry on. I didn’t push him.

The girl came out from the back and served up a variety of steaming dishes. She took a few trips back and forth, and soon the table was fully laid. Just as I was thinking about stopping her and saying it was too much, she brought another dish – a bowl of buttered fried prawns with black pepper. My weary stomach had traveled far, but all this oily food wasn’t bringing it back to life. Disgust rose up in me instead. I called the girl to sit down and eat with us, but she answered, in the thickest accent, that she was on a diet. Her tone with me contained a mannered iciness. I couldn’t read a single expression on her face. It was the exact opposite of a moment before.

I rallied my energies and took two bites of the food, but my cousin barely moved his chopsticks. Outside, the sun had shown its face, which made the inside of the restaurant seem darker and deeper. The table itself was greasy, and the venerated Guanyin in the corner was surrounded by permanently flickering electric candles. It was like we were back in the crumbling, narrow-laned second-tier city where the two of us had spent our childhood. The light was the same back then, and everything was greasy to the touch.


The restaurant needed the Pick-up in the afternoon, so my cousin and I took the train to the city center. He sprinted to the upper-deck out of habit, and picked a window seat at the back row. They were wider than the other seats. Without speaking, he put his feet up on the seat opposite, folded his arms, and went off into his thoughts, turned towards the window. Along the way we passed some older industrial areas where the brick walls on the riverside were fully pasted with graffiti. At times we passed through residential zones with spacious supermarkets and corner churches. Other times we passed the ocean, concealed at the back of buildings, its surface revealed in white glitters between the gaps.

“Have you traveled to many places?” he suddenly asked me.

“I have.”

“Do you like it here?”

We looked out of the window together.

“It’s not bad. It’s a wonderful thing for a city to have some ocean.”

“I don’t feel anything,” he said, pouting, “I can’t stand it here. I’m bored to death.”

“But don’t you have plenty of friends?”

“They’re all customers at the restaurant. What’s can to talk about?”


After a moment’s thought he carried on: “But this grand hotel’s right by the ocean, in a wealthy district.”

We alighted at Central Station, bang on midday break. There were busy, bustling people all over the streets. My cousin led me on a shortcut through a public park, where groups of people were sunbathing on the edges of the grass, drinking beer. The sky was clearer and brighter than before. I stopped by a chain coffee shop, and thought I’d buy a cup. I asked if he wanted to sit together and have one, but he said no. My spirits were soothed a little by the familiar warmth inside the coffee shop – the sugar-frosted donuts spread on the counter, and warm buzz of soft conversation all around. A smoke would have made things even better. I felt my way to a wrinkled cigarette in a side-compartment in my purse, but hesitated, then pulled my hand back out. My cousin was standing by the door with his back to me, hands still in pockets, one leg sticking sideways out the door, shoulders subtly raised. A short gust blew up outside. The hem of his jacket rustled, shaking straight up in the wind, and he looked uncomfortably cold.

I wanted to visit the biggest department store, but my cousin said his friend had recommended another place, which had year-round discounts. I tagged along as we ran circles around the counters in menswear. He had to make his purchases from the tie counter and then shirts, then trousers and then shoes, so it must have looked like chaos. We swung about between two floors like a pair of headless flies. He quickly lost his usual tolerance, betraying his anxiety and misery.

“Wearing a Western suit is totally dumb,” he suddenly declared

“I like a guy in a suit,” I shrugged.

“You talk like an old lady,” he said.

“Screw you.”

“It’s the truth! Only the elderly actually like Western suits.”

“You’re so naïve.”

In the end we got it all sorted at some practically anonymous store in some corner. We were exhausted. It turned into a rushed job. I waited for him by the changing-room entrance. At one point, he stuck his head out (half of his shirt-buttons fastened) and asked if I could switch it for a size up. The polite, dark-skinned assistant had been waiting on us from the other end of the counter all this time. She passed me the shirt then turned her head silently in another direction.

He took a long time to emerge from the changing-room, shoelaces untied, wearing that suit – yes – but maintaining the stoop he wore with his jacket. He had both hands in his pockets, which made the trousers pull tight over his thighs. He stood in front of the mirror, highly embarrassed, eyes flittering from side to side, unsure where to look.

“The trousers are a little tight,” he whispered to me.

“Yes. Want to swap for the next size up?” I asked.

“Yeah. They really are a little tight…” he mumbled, looking at me, and then the assistant. When she came over to us, I realized that my cousin’s face was red all over, like he was furious at something. He took a few steps back. Meanwhile the assistant had already come up to us with the same rigid and mannered smile, giving my cousin a vacant once over, and saying, in the heavily inflected English of the place: “No’ bad at all, sir.”

“Could you help us find a larger size?” I asked. “They’re a bit tight.” I looked at my cousin. His shoulders were raised in sheer vexation, and he still hadn’t taken his hands from his pockets. It truly felt that the blame for the wrong trousers was on me.

“Of course.” Patiently, the assistant turned, and went to collect the item from the stockroom, which left the two of us stood there like lemons. My cousin took advantage of the situation to loosen one shirt button and then a second. It gave him even less association with the clothing. The mall had turned on the central-heating some time earlier, so he took of his jacket and draped it over his arm, with sweat all over the back of his neck.

He sat down next to me. “I’m a complete moron, aren’t I”

“You’re not,” I said, trying my best to console him.

“Your English is perfect.”

“Thanks…” I murmured, a little put-out. I didn’t go on.

“If the interview’s in the English, I’m a goner.”

“Did they say it would be?”

“No. But a kid got taken on last year who couldn’t do anything.”

“Just see how it goes. You’ve never had bad luck.”

“Things would be great if I could speak English.”

“Didn’t you study at a language college?”

“That wasn’t a place for study,” he said. “Pissing about in Chinatown all day, the only language I could speak was Cantonese.”

I lifted my head and scanned the room. The assistant still wasn’t back, and I was worn out. Two guys pushed open the door to the fire-exit staircase next to us, popping out for a smoke, I guessed. I could practically here the clack-click of the lighters. At times like these, I really couldn’t think what else could be done apart from going for a cigarette.


We had nothing to do, once we’d left the mall, so we casually strolled the streets. My cousin’s mood had dropped to the depths of hell. He swore like a trooper, as if the bags in his hands were dismantling his confidence. But he calmed down again after we’d conquered a stretch of road, and went on ahead in large steps and silence. I knew he was weighed down by worries – but who isn’t?

After a long time thinking, he finally opened up:

“We’ll go somewhere nice.”


“A casino.”


“A gambling hall. They’re really famous here.”

“But I can’t even play cards.”

“You’re so lame. Just see it as keeping me company.” He thought a while before adding: “I have to earn back the cash from buying these clothes just now.”

I didn’t fancy going – not at all – but I didn’t want to be a sop on his mood either. So I followed him, hopping onto a bus that was stopped at the terminal station.

“Do you… go there often?” I asked.

“There was a time I did. I was so bored, there were times I didn’t want to go back to that garage once I got off work at the restaurant.”

“You must get lucky breaks, by the sound of it.”

“It’s not bad most of the time. But when I’d just got here, I lost a half-year’s tuition.”

“What did you do?”

“Held it in for a week, then just couldn’t wait any more, so I called my family and lied to them.”

“Oh …”

We fell to silence again. After a while, he spoke:

“I’ve got a bit of money now. I want to buy an LV bag for my mother,” he stumbled on, trying to keep the topic rolling, like he’d made up his mind about something. “The boss-lady’s got a load of LV bags, and they look great.”

“Ok…” I nodded, and wouldn’t say anything else. I didn’t want to look at him either. I’d gone completely soft. I had to avert my gaze beyond the window. This is how cities look almost everywhere. Gigantic billboards, and all the hotel chains you know on sight. Only here there were pigeons everywhere, and a small stretch of ocean-front in the distance. Some people were playing beach volleyball.

We got off the bus with barely a word, and I followed him. A batch of tour buses were parked by the casino, and Chinese tourists were taking group photos by the entrance. In a low voice, my cousin pointed out which ones were the northeasterners, which ones were Fukienese, and which ones were the guys from Taiwan. But as we approached the entrance he stopped abruptly right next to a pair of bouncers, turned to me, and asked anxiously, “Did you bring your passport?”

“I didn’t!” I felt my pockets, and then my back, flustered. “It’s at yours.”

“Shit… You can’t get in without your passport.” He held his forehead in his hands, with a world’s-end expression.

“Um…” All I could do was look at him.

“Forget it. Forget it. Looks like our luck’s not so great today.” He was talking to himself, but comforting me as well. The suit bag was already wrinkled, and the string had snapped as well. What a fucked-up day, I thought inside myself – and it’s far from over.

Neither of us had any energy left for walking around. I saw a fish-and-chip shop by the side of the road, so I stopped and bought us two portions and two large cokes. The young lady asked, keenly, if we wanted a supersize upgrade for free, and I said great, but the result was that the two cokes were a forearm’s length, with rainbow straws. Holding onto the comical cups like we were at a festival, we wound round to the harbor behind the casino and sat down, overlooking a bunch of brand new buildings on the other shore. We had the ocean in front of us, but it wasn’t ocean-blue. Some parts were grey, and some were dark-green. Colossal boats passed slowly before us, noiselessly.

“You like this stuff?” he asked, chewing on a chip. Somehow his tone sounded like my dad’s.

“It’s alright. I’m used to junk food,” I said, the liquid in my coke cup dripping down my arm.

“I’ve never liked it.”

“Then what do you like?”

“The cold poached chicken my mother makes. Well, old boss-lady doesn’t cook half-bad either, but she’s always playing mahjong nowadays. She rarely cooks. And there’s nothing that special, actually, about the way the chefs in the restaurant cook. They throw in too much soy sauce, and too much starch.”

“Your boss-lady really likes you.”

“A lot of customers think I’m her son.”

“Well, you always were very likeable.”

“Her daughter says I look like – ” He said a name. I didn’t catch it.

“Who?” I asked.

He repeated the name, but it still didn’t register. He was forced to take out his phone, which had a display photo of a guy with his head lowered. Probably a Korean – some celebrity I didn’t know, but obviously my cousin’s idol, since he started playing me some music on his phone. It was raucous, with a monotone rhythm going on and on. My cousin shook his knees just a little, along with the tune, then turned it off.

“Have you never heard it?” he asked.

I shook my head.

When the music stopped, the silence became harder to bear.

“I’ve got to smoke…” I said awkwardly, and pulled out the wrinkled cigarette from my purse pocket. But I couldn’t feel my way to the lighter, and I didn’t know where to search. My cousin leaned in and looked right at me. Finally, he couldn’t hold it in, and roared with laughter.

I shoved him. “What’s so funny?”

“You should’ve said earlier! I’ve been holding out forever,” he said, taking out a pack of hard-filter 555s from his pocket. He used the moment to light mine as well. There was a strong wind, so we huddled together, getting close to the seed of the flame. The lighter called out in the wind – clack-click, clack-click. I breathed in a mouthful. My hands shook a little. Once I’d spat the mouthful out I finally felt a little calmer.

“Family not on your case?” he asked me.

“They don’t know,” I told him.

“The boss-lady’s daughter smokes as well, and her family are in the dark about it, too. Sometimes we take a walk outside after dinner, and chain-smoke a fair few. Then we wind round the park at the back and take a big lap, which scatters every trace of the smell. You need two laps once the winter comes,” he said, finishing a cigarette in huge mouthfuls and lighting up another.

“Your mother…” I stabbed out a cigarette at just the right time. There wasn’t a better chance than now.

“It’d be the end of her if she knew. And, as you know, the way the situation is now, I can’t hurt her.”

“What?” My heart was thumping.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing.”

Death-like silence returned.

“Your mother’s sick…” My throat had gone dry. If I missed this moment of silence I’d never get around to saying it.

“Moron! I knew that ages ago.”

“What did you know?” I asked, scared.

“That she’s sick,” he said. “I knew that ages ago. If she wasn’t, why did she force me not to come back? And then,” he carried on, not looking my way, “Then you come here on this special mission, to scout out my situation.”

“But…” I wanted to argue back, but no words came.

“Whatever I do, it’s wrong now – if I go back, and if I don’t go back… Fuck!”

“Yeah…” Right on the money, I thought.

“Is she going to die?” he asked, quite suddenly.

I shrugged. “I really don’t know. They say she’ll live many more years, if luck is on her side. But nobody can say for sure.”

“Does she know what she’s facing? Is she still hoping for a green card?” he asked, the suit bag slumped to one side at his feet. A trash-eating seagull was giving us the death-stare, eyeing our chips, which had long gone cold. We were sitting there motionless.

An enormous yacht was leaning against the harbor entrance far ahead. Now and then you could see people walking starboard.

“Look…” he said.

I followed the direction of his pointed finger to the forest of skyscrapers standing opposite. The sun had fallen back behind them by now, so we could catch the fake reflections between the glass. There were seagulls too – tiny ones, occasionally soaring across our line of sight, then gone in the blink of an eye.

“What is it?” I asked.

“That’s the big hotel I’m interviewing at tomorrow – there. That’s the rich district. They say the private beach there’s absolutely stunning, and the girls all sunbathe naked.”


“There,” he pointed, excitedly, half his body leaning forward. “There…”

Slightly confused, I began to pick apart the crowd of towers opposite – the enormous English lettering on the rooftops, the semi-transparent lounge bridges that ran between the buildings. Which one was he pointing at?

“Forget it,” he muttered, dropping his hand wearily.

“Is it that one?” I asked, determined to keep the topic away from his mother.

“Forget it. Don’t bother looking. There’s nothing there really,” he said with an odd earnestness.

“Right,” I drew myself in again, and nodded.

The seagull had been there around all this time, patiently walking around by our side, waiting.

“Another cigarette?” my cousin asked.


So we each pulled one out. The wind was too strong. We pressed together, closely. The lighter kept up its sound, all in vain: clack-click, clack-click.









































































































































“早说啊。我忍半天了。” 他说着也从夹克衫的口袋里掏出一包硬壳的三五牌,又顺势为我点了火。风很大,我们挨着火苗凑在一起,打火机在风里咔嗒咔嗒地响。我抽了一口,手有些发抖,等到吐出一口烟,才觉得平静了些。
















































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Jennifer Fossenbell – “WTF DID / YOU DO / TO MY OCEAN / (swoosh)”

Jennifer Fossenbell recently relocated from Beijing, China back to Denver, USA. Her poetry and other linguistic experiments have appeared in online and print publications in China, the U.S., and Vietnam, most recently So & So, Black Warrior Review, The Hunger, and where is the river. She completed her creative writing MFA at the University of Minnesota in 2014. Also, there is no “back”.


WTF DID / YOU DO / TO MY OCEAN / (swoosh)

For all of these reasons and more: how far can a body stretch?

Across continents, across platforms, around entire other bodies

the alien self that grows and grows? How far can I listen to them

the many voices in the sub-sky spaces between the buildings

around the cars, floating over the streets? The weak signal

unstable connection, laggy device? How to respond large enough—


What’s in there, voices say. A watermelon, a bowling ball?

A soccer ball. Hahahahaha. A body floats in the dark

and I keep thinking he must be scared and lonely. A body drowned

but living, unoriented in his disoriented world. Not waiting

but living while his world waits for him. It doesn’t drag its heels.

It wants to keep him inside forever. It wants to get him out right away.


Didi driver with a bee and flowers embroidered

on the right thigh of his jeans. Full color, gold thread. A lavish cameo

in my stomach-acid-bowling-ball day. He beats his arms

and legs with a firm fist while he drives. It’s a steady sound

and I guess it’s supposed to make him stronger and I guess

it makes me stronger too. I feel the strength of his bones in the way he turns

the wheel. He leans forward, I can’t see his face in the mirror. But he eyed

me when I got in. I saw the flash of horror on his face that people get. How

can a body stretch so far? The grotesquery is arresting. So alarmingly

surreal, I can’t blame anyone for looking twice to be sure they haven’t seen

a god.

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Habib Mohana – ‘The Dark Dawn’

Habib Mohana was born in 1969 in Daraban Kalan, a town in the district of Dera Imsail Khan, Pakistan. He is an assistant professor of English at Government Degree College No 3, D. I. Khan. He writes fiction in English, Urdu, and Saraiki (his mother tongue). He has four books under his belt, one in Urdu and three in Saraiki. His Saraiki novel forms part of the syllabus for the MA in Saraiki at Zikria University Multan. His short stories in English have appeared in literary journals in India and Canada. In 2010 and 2014, his Saraiki books won the Khawaja Ghulam Farid Award from the Pakistan Academy of Letters. His book of short stories in Urdu, titled Adhori Neend, won the Abaseen award from the Government of KPK. He is currently seeking a publisher for his novel The Village Café.



‘The Dark Dawn’


The bountiful monsoon season was drawing to a close, and the village farmers were busy preparing their land for the winter crops. Whistling to himself, tall clove-coloured Soobha was cutting the wild grass from his land when all of a sudden a cobra bit him on the forearm. He lifted the sickle and brought it down on the snake but it slithered away into the high waving grass. Soobha shouted to a shepherd who was passing by on his donkey. The shepherd took a close look at the two deep puncture wounds and tightly tied a jute string around Soobha’s forearm to limit the flow of blood and to slow the traffic of the poison to the other parts of the body.

The shepherd helped Soobha onto his donkey. They had just started out towards their village when a farmer asked the shepherd not to take Soobha there.

‘In the village, a pregnant woman’s voice can have a harmful effect on a person who has been bitten by a snake,’ he said. ‘I’ll sit with Soobha under this acacia. You go and tell his family what has happened.’

So the shepherd straddled the donkey and sped towards the village, about twenty minutes away.

Soobha, his elder brother Shadu, and their children lived in a sprawling adobe house in the middle of the village of Mastan. No sooner had the bad news reached Soobha’s house than his wife, sister-in-law, daughter, and nieces burst into tears. The men and women of the village crowded into their house to commiserate and give advice.


Shadu asked the mullah to gather his students in the mosque to recite the Koran and pray to God for Soobha’s recovery. The village chief sent his son to Daraban Kalan on horseback to bring the hakim.

‘Offering an animal sacrifice wards off evil,’ Soobha’s wife said to her son, Dani. Being staunch believers, Dani and some neighbours slaughtered the ox that was chomping on sorghum stalks in the corner of the house.

Carrying charpoys, pillows, lanterns, and pitchers of water, a procession of over twenty men strode towards the place where the patient rested. They placed the charpoys on a treeless plane spot and laid the patient down on one of them. It was late afternoon and the village cattle were returning from the pasturelands, leaving plumes of dust in their wake.

Redness and swelling had started to appear around the snake bite on Soobha’s forearm. He was sweating profusely and had vomited several times.

The shepherd returned with a bowl of butter oil. To suck out the poison he took a draught of the oil, put his mouth on the snakebite on Soobha’s forearm, and sucked and spat. He repeated this more than ten times, and then swilled his mouth out with water.

‘Give him milk to drink. It will soak up the poison. Don’t let him have any bread,’ the shepherd advised.

The sun was setting when the village cobbler brought a brood of seven juvenile chickens in a cage made of tamarisk sticks. To suck the poison out of Soobha’s arm, he put the backside of one of the chickens over the snakebite, held it there for some time, and then let it go free. One after another he used all the chickens this way. Clucking, they perched on the legs of the charpoys, and some climbed up a nearby dwarf bush.

After sunset, the village chief’s son retuned with the white-bearded hakim. The hakim opened a small silver box containing a zehar mohra—a snake’s head that was believed to suck the poison out of the body.  He took the item from the red ocher, dipped it into a bowl of milk, and placed it on the snakebite. After a minute he took it off and plopped it in the bowl of milk to release its load of poison. He repeated this process more than ten times.

‘If he can survive three nights then he is out of danger,’ the hakim said, then took Shadu to one side and whispered in his ear. ‘Send for the drummer and tell him to beat his drum over the patient’s head to stop him from sleeping, because sleep is a killer for anyone bitten by a snake. Also – I almost forgot – we’ll also need the barber to make a cut.’

Shadu’s elder son Ramza was sent to bring the drummer and barber. Ramza went to find them but they weren’t at home.


The men sat on the charpoys around the patient, who was rolling around in pain, his face haggard and pale. Darkness fell and cloud of mosquitoes danced over the men’s heads. Shadu’s younger son brought dinner for the attendants and sweetened milk for the patient. The attendants spread a palm leaf mat on the ground and sat down to eat. Two chickens started clucking around the men, and Shadu slung them bread crumbs.

‘Give me some bread.’ Soobha requested.

‘No. Bread is not good for you. It causes drowsiness. If you are hungry, drink milk,’ the hakim replied.

‘Give me just one morsel.’


‘Give me just a bit of meat.’

‘We can’t. Sorry. It will kill you. Solid food brings drowsiness and drowsiness brings sleep and sleep means death for you.’

All they could give him was sweetened milk.


After night prayers the barber’s brakeless bicycle rolled up.

‘Sorry I’m late. I was in the village of Loni for circumcisions,’ he said, hands clasped.

‘We have an emergency you stupid fool,’ Shadu said, teeth bared.

The barber unstrapped the bag of his tools from the pannier of his bicycle. Like a veteran surgeon, he examined the snakebite in the light of the lanterns.

‘What a terrible thing,’ he said, and started honing his cutthroat razor on the small whetstone.

Four people pinioned the patient, and the barber cut the bite wound on the hakim’s instructions. Soobha bawled with pain. The hakim untied the jute string from around the patient’s forearm and squeezed the bitten arm hard. Black-brown blood started trickling down.

‘Let him sleep for a while, but not for long,’ the hakim said to Shadu.

He dragged a charpoy some yards away from the patient and lay down on it. To keep the patient awake, Dani, Shadu, and their neighbours took turns talking to him. If Soobha drifted off to sleep, Shadu and Dani would wake him up by pinching his arms or shoulders.

‘Please let me sleep,’ Soobha said in a weak, tearful voice. ‘My head is splitting with pain.’

‘Brother, please try to stay awake,’ Shadu said. ‘Too much sleep brings death to a person like you,’

To keep him awake, Shadu started telling a story and after a while asked, ‘Brother, are you awake? Are you listening?’

When he received no answer from his brother, he pinched him. Soobha woke up.

After midnight, pinching had no effect on Soobha, and he drifted off to sleep. Shadu brought acacia thorns and pricked his brother, but it was no use. So Shadu and Dani went into a huddle. Shadu brought out a little packet of paprika from his pocket, and with a small smooth stick applied it to the patient’s eyes, which started burning.

‘What is this?’ Soobha cried. ‘Paprika in my eyes? Don’t treat me like an animal!’

‘It’s not paprika,’ Shadu fibbed. ‘It’s bitter antimony. It cleans eyes and wards off sleep.’

They applied the paprika to his second eye.

Soobha cried out again. ‘If you’re bent on killing me, then do it in a gentle way. Don’t kill me like I’m an animal.’


The night wore on. A prowling jackal closed in on the bush where the chickens were roosting. It pounced. The victim uttered a startled squawk, and the jackal scrambled away with its prize. The sudden noise pulled the hakim out of sleep. He gibbered and then drifted off again.


At long last, the call to morning prayer echoed from the village mosque. Soobha had fallen asleep. Shadu felt his brother’s wrist and then lifted his hands towards the sky.

‘Thank you, God. If the night has passed without an incident, please let all nights pass the same. Life is in your hands, O God. Give my brother another chance!’

In the morning, two villagers brought tea for the attendants. Shadu dipped one end of his turban sheet in water and swabbed his brother’s face with it, then gave him a cup of tea. The attendants were taking morning tea when a pir with a white flowing beard arrived on a roan horse. All the villagers stood up and shook his hand. He had come from the village of Punjan Shah.

‘I was in the mosque for night prayers when this sad news reached me,’ the pir said, settling on the charpoy and holding the patient’s hand in his soft white palm.

He recited holy verses from the Koran and blew over the dark bloody spot. He patted Soobha’s back.

‘You’ll be alright, my son. The Master of the Blue Roof will help you. It’s nothing!’

After a while he took his leave. Shadu scurried after him and thrust a one-rupee note into his delicate fingers. The pir mounted his horse and rode off, leaving a ribbon of fine dust behind him.

When he finished his tea, the hakim took a long look at the bite on Soobha’s arm. Then, he peeled the man’s eyelids back and examined his eyeballs.

‘Have courage, Soobha!’ he said. ‘You have survived. You have crossed the hardest part of the journey.’


When the sun became hot, they moved the patient’s charpoy into a shady toothbrush tree. Then, the men from the surrounding villages poured in to commiserate with Shadu and Dani.

In the late afternoon, the attendants returned the patient to his former spot.

‘Take me home and let me die in peace there,’ Soobha moaned. ‘I can’t see clearly. I’m sure I won’t survive. Last night I saw my late father in dream, standing on a hilltop. He called to me. I know he was calling me to the other world.’

‘We can’t take you home. In the village, a pregnant woman’s voice can have an adverse effect. We’re keeping you here, for your own good.’

‘Then if you can’t take me home, bring my sister, my wife, my daughter Zaibu, and my nieces. I want to see them before I die.’

‘Ok, we will bring them,’ Shadu said.

‘Uncle, we should not do it,’ Dani said. ‘The women would weep and cause chaos. You can’t let them come here.’

His uncle didn’t listen.


That afternoon, the women came with a group of other ladies. They wrapped their arms around Soobha and dissolved into tears.

Soobha said, ‘I know I won’t survive. The poison has reached my heart. I can feel it. I’m dying. Please forgive me if I have said or done anything wrong to any single one of you.’ He clasped his shaking hands.

‘Don’t say that,’ his sister wiped her tears with her scarf. ‘You are going to be alright,’

‘Allah will give you long and healthy life,’ his wife said, passing her fingers through his dusty hair.

Soobha turned to Shadu.

‘Please, brother – accept my daughter Zaibu’s hand in marriage for your son Ramza. Ramza, I have one daughter and I want you to keep her happy. And Khero, my dear sister, I beg of you – please give your daughter to Dani in marriage. They will make a wonderful couple.’ Tears were rolling down Soobha’s pale leathery cheeks. He then turned to Shadu again. His sleepless eyes were red and puffy. ‘And after my death, my brother, take care of my wife and kids, they will be…’

‘What are you talking about, brother?’ Shadu cut in. ‘You will live to see your children marry and live happily.’

‘Please take me home. Don’t let me breathe my last in the wilderness.’

The women sat down on the bare ground around the patient’s charpoy and wept collectively.

‘Didn’t I tell you not to bring the women here? Look at them,’ Dani said to Shadu, who shooed them away.

The wailing women made their way listlessly to Mastan, looking over their shoulders from time to time.


The second night fell. To keep the mosquitos at bay, the attendants had set piles of cowpats smouldering. A cloud of smoke hung in the air. They gave Soobha milk and then allowed him to sleep for a while.

Towards night prayers, the one-eyed drummer showed up, his double-headed drum strapped to his broad back.

‘Where the hell have you been?’ Shadu yelled at him.

‘I was in Madi for a wedding. I’m terribly sorry. As soon as I got your message I headed to Mastan.’ The drummer settled down on the string bed near the patient’s head and started beating the drum to keep Soobha from sleeping. The attendants dragged their charpoys some yards away from the patient and lay down on them.

‘Please stop beating the drum. I feel as if you’re hitting my head with your drumsticks,’ Soobha said but the drummer did not listen to him.


The stars shone brilliantly in the sky. The drummer carried on beating his drum, and the patient’s brain throbbed in his skull.

‘Don’t kill me cruelly. Take me home and let me die in peace.’ Soobha moaned, but his voice was lost in the sound of the drum.

All the attendants were snoring. The drummer’s hands were moving wearily, and the patient was breathing with great difficulty. Then the drummer too succumbed to sleep. Dani woke up, and he shouted at him to keep drumming.

‘Let me sleep!’ the man begged. ‘I’m exhausted. I beat my drum continuously for three nights at a wedding in Loni.’

Dani woke Shadu and told him that the drummer had fallen asleep. Shadu stumbled to the charpoy and slapped the man across the face. The drummer sat up and started playing again.

‘For God’s sake, stop beating this monstrous thing,’ Soobha pled. ‘My head is bursting with pain and sleeplessness.’

‘Don’t listen to him!’ Shadu ordered. ‘Carry on.’

The night had deepened. The drummer’s sticks were banging the drum. From Mastan came the barking of dogs, while nearby the jackals were howling hysterically. A lone chicken jumped onto the string bed beside the drummer. He hit it with his drumstick and it flapped away, squealing in panic.


After about an hour, Shadu let Soobha have some sleep. Then, he asked the drummer to play again.

‘I’m awake,’ Soobha muttered. ‘Please don’t beat the drum. Give it a break.’

‘I can’t,’ the drummer said.

Soobha snatched one of his drumsticks and tossed it away. As soon as the drumbeat faded, Shadu woke up. ‘Why have you stopped?’

‘Soobha threw my drumstick away,’ the drummer explained. ‘I’m going to retrieve it.’

As soon as he returned, he started pounding the drum again.

‘Please stop,’ Soobha begged. ‘It’ll kill me.’

‘I can’t help you,’ the drummer replied.

Soobha lifted his hand. ‘Please! If you stop, I’ll give you these two silver rings.’

‘Never. Your life is worth more than that.’

‘I’ll give you a cow if you stop.’

‘No. I can’t do it. I can’t orphan your children. I won’t stop even if you fill this drum with cold coins.’

‘I’ll not die of snake poison, but I’ll surely die of the noise of your goddamn drum,’ Soobha put his finger into his ears.

Late into the night, the drummer was overcome by sleep. The drumsticks fell from his hands and a deep silence descended over the wilderness. Only the crickets’ chir-chur filled the star-bedecked night. Soobha too dropped off to sleep.


The jungle birds were heralding the dawn. A soft breeze soughed eerily through the tamarisks. A red-wattled lapwing lighted near the attendants’ charpoys, then took off again with its plaintive cry of did-he-do-it and pity-to-do-it. The saffron sun peeped over the horizon, and suddenly everything was casting long shadows: trees, string beds, pitchers, and tumblers. From Mastan came a faint mix of sounds: the bleating of goats, the crowing of cockerels, and the barking of dogs. Plumes of blue smoke rose from the houses as the women prepared breakfast.

All the men lay deep asleep with their limp, sprawling limbs. Soobha’s body had turned stiff in the meanwhile. His face was a figure of anguish with a slightly open mouth, a fly drinking from its corner.







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Jennifer Fossenbell – ‘I WANT TO GO BACK / TO BELIEVING A STORY’

Jennifer Fossenbell recently relocated from Beijing, China back to Denver, USA. Her poetry and other linguistic experiments have appeared in online and print publications in China, the U.S., and Vietnam, most recently So & So, Black Warrior Review, The Hunger, and where is the river. She completed her creative writing MFA at the University of Minnesota in 2014. Also, there is no “back”.



fast-drying into

brittle like Bach for harpsicord

short rivulets either

end or split stutter

like a daughter

still as a piano

on loan for entire

adulthood, one

borrower dead

sky white cup, canvas

backpacking politics

it was always only words as walls piled, too cool to melt stay with magma green

everywhere, pictorial no space, too many spaces split us like time too much time splits

us like the doing

                                                                                                                                                       does and undoes

                                                                                                                                                       lace as skin stripped

                                                                                                                                                       of voice, the “resist”

                                                                                                                                                      aria, mantra over

                                                                                                                                                      cello promise of

                                                                                                                                                      depth fluid florid

                                                                                                                                                      statehood the matter

                                                                                                                                                      of belief the word


                                                                                                                                                      cactus spine into

                                                                                                                                                      muscle, one smiles

                                                                                                                                                      the other winces but

                                                                                                                                                      it’s only

                                                                                                                                                      a tiny story on a train


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