Nazarii Nazarov was born in 1990 in a small village on the Ukrainian steppe. He now lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine, where he teaches Ukrainian and Russian and studies the poetic traditions of Eurasia. He holds a PhD in Slavic Studies. His English poems have appeared in Alluvium (Literary Shanghai), Eratio, and Eunoia, and are forthcoming elsewhere.


On reading a translation from the Chinese classics by V. Alekseev (1881-1951) – who is known for his careful rendering of the original rhythm and flow along with his loyalty to the original text – I was startled by а seemingly simple phrase from Li Bo’s Preface to the Feast in the Peach and Plum Garden on a Spring Night, which is repeated in the following verses as a refrain.


Paraphrasing Li Bo


Oh old pine tree

with curved trunk

and bent branches

you know my desire

and my purpose

but tell me

what is the sky above you?

the earth beneath you?


On a hot day

hidden among the reeds and bushes

I shared my food and drink

with naked drunkards and vagrants

and none of them knew

what is the sky above us

and the earth beneath us


In the shade of the old pine tree

I meet the third summer

crossing the bay

on a quivering boat

on my solitary walks

I began to ponder:

when I die

what will go to the sky above me?

and what to the earth beneath me?


Oh old pine tree