Jeremy DeWayne Greene is a school psychologist working currently at Shanghai American School (Puxi). In his spare time, he writes, records, and performs spoken word poetry around Shanghai and Sacramento (California). Though previously residing and working in Sacramento, Mr. Greene connects strongly with his familial roots firmly planted in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Small Towns


It’s funny how our paths have diverged.

You always said you “hated” small towns.

“Reminds me of hard times…”

you once mentioned while

reflecting on your childhood.


Chicago was just around

the corner back then

and you would often jump at

any chance to taste

what it was like to be

a global citizen.


You spent your whole life

trying to escape small towns

only to find yourself once again

within their unsavory confines.


No longer a small-town girl

but now a small-town woman

living with an old-time guy

who fades the image of Chicago

from your eyes.


I guess it’s more safe and secure

in those small-towns

with them old-time guys.

I never found small-towns

nor old-time guys

“safe” as a man of

indigenous pigment.


And, oddly enough,

I find myself in this

vast city of Shanghai

feeling more “safe”

though less secure.



though we may diverge

from one another,

I can still see

the Chicago skyline

in your eyes….


Dare to dream, Clementine. After all, we are both Big City Lovers.