Iskra Peneva was born in 1980, in Belgrade (Serbia), where she works. A graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Belgrade, she has published poetry in national and foreign daily and literary magazines. Her work has been translated into English, Russian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Swedish, Icelandic, Korean, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovene, Romanian, and Azerbaijani, and has appeared in anthologies of Serbian and Macedonian literature. Iskra is the recipient of multiple awards and recognitions, and her most recent poetry collection Somewhere In-between received the international award for best poetry book in the Macedonian language at the 55th Struga Poetry Evenings (Macedonia) in 2016. In 2018 she won Croatia’s international award for the best unpublished poetry manuscript.
Na kući pored ulice
Moj je prozor
Sa plavim zastorom
Pogled na put iz sobe je blokiran
Ne vidim ni enterijer u njoj
Znam da je još uvek
I skučena
Plavi pendžer nije više moj
Odavno sam sobu napustila
I još uvek putujem
Jedina veza sobe
I druma je setno sećanje
Tada znam
Da sam sigurno
Ујутро у два не могу више да спавам
Седефастим балонима гађам зид
Рони се креч
Зид пуца
Малтер отпада
И тако сатима
Сада сам мајстор
Пљујем на цигле
Лепим малтер
Глетујем речима
Празнине зидног мозаика
Коцкицама креча
Пред свитање
Све је на свом месту
Чак и прашина
Вертикално мирује
У подне
Балони су искористили промају
Као средство за бекство
On the house by the street
My window is
The one with a blue curtain T
he view from the room to the road is blocked
I cannot even see the interior
I know it is still
And cramped
The blue window is no longer mine
I have long left the room
In secret
And I am still travelling
The only connection between the room
And the road is a melancholy memory
Then I know
I am definitely
Хиљаде облика једног лица
Мења боју
Хаотичним кретањем
Испуњава празан простор
Згуснути ваздух
Изазива вртоглавицу
Room Outline
Thousands of shapes of the same face
Changing colour
Chaotic motion
Fills the empty space
Dense air
Causes vertigo