Nicole is a diplomat and poet. All she writes describes her personal point of view and in no way represents the official position of her dear government (especially on matters of love and life). Currently stationed in Shanghai, she finds this land of beauty and history to be endlessly inspirational. Her muses are dreams…and the flowering streets of this city.


after a summer rain

this fresh scrubbed morning
buttered rays shiver
against cornflower blue

even traffic embraces
the light— silver, black, white trout
slip through capricious currents

I took my potted plants outside
yesterday at dusk, leaving
jade palms turned up waiting

to fill dew-slicked cups

night delivered on its warm promise
washing away every regret

only I forgot to let my darkness
receive this moon-lapped baptism
have the joy shaken from my leaves




self-portrait as an island


“let this be a moment of remembering,

my love, as I stand at the edge of myself

cliff and sea grass”

                                    -Donika Kelly



let me describe how I understand the geography of

us—dew on hibiscus hips, rain-rippled lapis waters–

be it dawn or nightfall it is always you.  you an entire


ocean and my heart a rock-strewn island– cacti

and winds hungry for green. your waves meet my

coast, pearl foam blooms at the touch of tide and


a sandstone cliff—that, my love, is us.  I imagine you

taking my photograph– gulls overhead, the sun’s soft sigh

into warm stone releasing endless tones of crimson


and persimmon to the murmured mantra of blue, sway

over motion, ripple of brine and fish, a whole universe

one body…and I float, I float in you, my dear. I rise reborn

another day buoyed by the simple bliss of being…and you



shoveled from “Love Poem” by Donika Kelly




self-portrait as a lake



I have my seasons—

when darkness extends

deep and slow

hours thicken

to ink


a poet told me that passion can exhaust


I am exhausted


my ice sighs

water turning like an animal

in its burrow

white moon tracing

feathered fingers

across my midnight


every wave aches

for the shore


we all must break open

for the sun to warm

our wounds


listen for that breath

taken, then held deeply

as love

slipping into the silvered stillness

of a glass-covered heart